Apple TV 1st generation (white) Manual installation

If you prefer to install the plugin manually, just follow these steps:

  1. Download the current version of RowmoteHelperATV.frappliance
  2. Do not extract the downloaded archive. If your browser automatically opens archives to decompress them and then the archive is deleted afterward, you should temporaily turn this off and repeat the download.
  3. Copy this file, which has the extension .tgz to your ATV’s home folder (~). You generally won't be able to copy it anywhere else. I recommend using a graphical FTP program like Cyberduck or Transmit to copy to the home folder of the ‘appletv.local’ server. The password is ‘frontrow’.
  4. Mac users: Load Terminal from /Applications/Utilities on your computer.
    Windows users: Load the ssh client of your choice. PuTTY is a popular one.
  5. Connect to your ATV. The command to do so from Terminal is:
    ssh frontrow@appletv.local
    The password is frontrow - note that you will not see anything on-screen as you type the password and hit enter.
  6. Issue the following command (all one line) to your ATV via ssh once you are connected:
    sudo mount -uw / ; tar xvzf rowmote-helper-ATV-3.1-frappliance.tgz ; sudo /bin/rm -rf /System/Library/CoreServices/ ; sudo /bin/mv ~/RowmoteHelperATV.frappliance /System/Library/CoreServices/ ; sudo chmod +x /System/Library/CoreServices/ ; sudo /sbin/reboot

As before, the password is frontrow. This removes any existing copy of RowmoteHelperATV and then moves the copy you put in your home directory to the appropriate installation location. It then reboots your ATV.

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