Optics Clinical Calculator is a vital tool for every general or refractive ophthalmologist, ophthalmology resident, optometrist, and optician. With Optics, you’ll have streamlined, intuitive access to calculators used daily in prescribing lenses and understanding optics.
Results are provided instantaneously, with no additional steps required, and explanations of the formulas and their application are just a tap away, perfect for learning and review.

★ The following calculators
‣ Base Curve
‣ Convergence
‣ Diopters from Focal Distance
‣ Intermediate and Near Vision Prescriptions from Standard Refraction
‣ Lens Power in Oblique Meridians
‣ Ocular Curve
‣ Optical Center Decentration
‣ Slab-Off calculator (Induced Prism)
‣ Vertex Distance
★ Beautiful, fast interface evolved especially for Optics from the acclaimed MediMath Medical Calculator
★ Detailed explanations, including formulas and clinical notes, for each calculator (just tap the ‘i’) - perfect for review, cross-checking, and learning