Rowmote received 4.5 out of 5 mouses from Macworld!

Control media on your Mac with Rowmote Pro | Macgasm
Couch Controlling the Mac with your iPad | Smoking Apples
Bringing the computer to my TV | Onelazyeye
Rowmote Pro has 4548 reviews worldwide in the App Store with an average rating of 4 stars as of January 2013. Some sample reviews from the App Store:
Rowmote Pro:
“100% Awesome. Thank you, Evan! This is the perfect thing to turn a mac mini into a home theater mac.”
“Essential app! 10/10, Worth every penny! “
“Very well done and I will continue to recommend this and rowmote to everyone I know.”
“I have a Mac Mini with two El Gato EyeTV250s and a flat screen tv, and use it [Rowmote] to listen to music with iTunes, watch recorded TV with eyeTV, and watch other videos with Quicktime or VLC.”
“Rowmote Pro does exactly what it says on the tin. It's a remote control for your Mac / Apple TV. The pro version has the very nice addition of allowing you to use your device as a remote track-pad and keyboard (with keyboard modifiers). This thing has changed the way I watch TV - no more fumbling for remote controls, everything is in one place!”
“Thanks! I have your new pro version and the mouse/keyboard addition is brilliant. I’ve since deleted the air mouse pro app :)”
“I've tried a few remote apps, and been disappointed with poor UI, lack of functionality and instability. Rowmote was the app that made me delete all the others.”
“I have given away my third party IR receiver and plastic apple remote for my Mac Pro as this application has rendered the redundant.”
“A fantastic little must have of an app. lovely UI”
“Great app. Would have paid anywhere from to $10-$15 for this little gem. Simple to set up and works great with EyeTV. Been using it for one hour and have already been spared numerous trips from the sofa to my Apple-remoteless Mac Pro...”
“Works superbly for the aTV! It even loads much faster than Apple's Remote app. Since my aTV was already hacked, it was a breeze to install the rowmote helper. Thanks Evan!!”
“A must buy app this is easy to use and set up. Works really well. Thanks”